Drawing Open in Europe June/July 2017
Drawing Open was lucky enough to have a wonderful trip to Europe in June!
Emma Febvre-Richards writes:
1. I visited with Huhana Smith and Corinne Sentou, Tim Ingold in Aberdeen and to discuss the possibility of Tim working with Drawing Open!
Also to workshop with Tim Ingold PhD Students around Contemporary Drawing today, as well as to view ‘Knowing From the Inside: Anthropology, Art, Architecture and Design’ (or for short, KFI) which is a 5-year project funded by a European Research Council Advanced Grant held by Professor Tim Ingold. Check it out here, www.abdn.ac.uk/research/kfi
The Intro for KFI is :
‘Knowing From the Inside’ seeks to reconfigure the relation between practices of inquiry in the human sciences and the forms of knowledge to which they give rise. Its fundamental premise is that knowledge is not created through an encounter between minds furnished with concepts and theories, and a material world already populated with objects, but grows from the crucible of our practical and observational engagement with the world around us. Knowledge, we contend, comes from thinking with, from and through beings and things, not just about them. Our overall aim is to show how research underpinned by this premise could make a difference to the sustainability of environmental relations and to the well-being that depends on it.
PHD students at Aberdeen University
2. London! I presented to ‘DRAW’ Drawing Research at Wimbledon
And Huhana Smith, Corinne Sentou and Amel Nafti visited Wimbledon College of Art, Post graduate and Undergraduate show as well as Chelsea College of Arts Undergraduate show. Not to forget the galleries and The Drawing Room!
Thank you Simon Betts (Dean of the Wimbeldon College of Art,UAL) and Tania Kovats (‘Draw’, Wimbeldon College of Art, UAL)
3. Then off to Nice where I was lucky enough to have a residency for three weeks at Villa Arson who is part of Drawing Open. Very privileged to have this time and to be so well received. Thank you Jean-Paul Simon (Director of Villa Arson).
20 - 26 June 2017 the Massey team work-shopped and Drawing Open participants at the Villa Arson… (Simon Betts flew over) Meeting lots of people from the Université Côte D’Azur, regional galleries and indeed from around the world! The first residency for Drawing Open was undertaken at Villa Arson from 27 June - 14 July 2017.
Chateau de Mouans-Sartoux…. L’espace d’lart Concret…Carlos Cruz-Diez
4. Villa Arson spoilt me by taking me to Documenta 14 (Kassel) and Skulptur Project (Münster)
5. Home!