D R A W I N G O P E N presents ON YOUR MARK!
an international drawing relay project asking the question; what is drawing, what can drawing be?
By Annalise Spragg, Massey University (Aotearoa NZ), 2019
Drawing by Cady Spenser, Syracuse University (NY, USA), 2019.
This collaborative project will bring together student-artists from various institutions of DRAWING OPEN International Research Community to explore the expansive nature of drawing practice. Participants will respond to each other’s work and idea’s within a relay structure, passing drawings from one country to the next. Each institution will document the works received and advance the work over two-month period. An exhibition will take place at each phase and location of the project after drawings are transformed.
By Dani McIntosh, Massey University (Aotearoa NZ), 2019.
Project parameters:
There are no limitations on materials, processes or the forms the works take. Participants are encouraged to think broadly about what drawing is and/or could be.
The specified format for shipping is A4. Drawings may begin and evolve to any scale or format beyond A4 as long as they can be folded to A4 scale for transport.
By Katlyn Brumfield, Syracuse University (New York USA), 2019.
By Izzy Hey, Massey University (Aotearoa NZ), 2019.
By Izzy Hey, Massey University (Aotearoa NZ), 2019.
Drawings from Syracuse University:
Starting the project are six graduate student works (all visible on this page) by Cady Spenser, Maya Stern, Darcie Brown, Katlyn Brumfield, Eric Mowen and Meirav Ong.
Drawings from Massey University:
The second lots of drawings came from students at Massey University, Aotearoa NZ: Annalise Spragg, Dani McIntosh, Izzy Hey, Ruby Malcom and Erin Kelly.
By Ruby Malcom, Massey University (Aotearoa NZ), 2019
Drawing by Eric Mowen, Syracuse University (New York USA), 2019.
The relay
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA - Dec 2018
Pass to
Massey University, New Zealand - March 2019
Pass to
AUT (Auckland University of Technology) New Zealand - August 2019
Pass to
L’Ecole Superieur de Grenoble/Valence, France - July 2020
Pass to
Pass to
Finish + Final Exhibition
Syracuse University
By Erin Kelly, Massey University (Aotearoa NZ), 2019.
Drawing by Meirav Ong, Syracuse University, 2019.
Drawing by Maya Stern, Syracuse University (New York USA), 2019.
Drawing by Darcie Brown, Syracuse University, 2019.
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